Shorts, shorts, shorts ... wherever I look - adorable individuals in shorts. I have to take care not to run around with a boner the entire day since the summertime lastly showed up. My plan for today was to find a charming jogger or bicyclist. However what I saw today didnâEUR�t really entice me. So I will keep that concept for later on. Yet when I checked out a bar I discovered one kid who had a truly adorable smile. When I approached him I enjoyed to listen to that he was currently eighteen. He undoubtedly could use the cash therefore he accepted reveal me his body and to provide me a blow-job in the playground. Just when I deep-throated him somebody interrupted us. Well, we transformed the place and I asked him for a fuck not understanding that someone would certainly view us.
Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013
Shorts, shorts, shorts ... wherever I look - adorable individuals in shorts. I have to take care not to run around with a boner the entire day since the summertime lastly showed up. My plan for today was to find a charming jogger or bicyclist. However what I saw today didnâEUR�t really entice me. So I will keep that concept for later on. Yet when I checked out a bar I discovered one kid who had a truly adorable smile. When I approached him I enjoyed to listen to that he was currently eighteen. He undoubtedly could use the cash therefore he accepted reveal me his body and to provide me a blow-job in the playground. Just when I deep-throated him somebody interrupted us. Well, we transformed the place and I asked him for a fuck not understanding that someone would certainly view us.
There is this small square in the old town which I like so much. Especially since there is a regular small market which attracts a lot of young people, too. Of course I must take care who I approach as some minors look older than they are these days. Well, the square was rather empty today but when I walked down a small street I noticed a real cutie sitting and smoking at a market bench. I started to talk to him. He was quite open to me and stated that he was waiting for his girlfriend. Tough shit. Usually I would have said bye bye. In this case I decided to risk more and and offer him money for a blow-job. He was immediately interested but did‘t know what to tell his girlfriend. Well, guess who had a good idea.
Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013
Some people call me crazy. I think I am not but today however I wanted to try something really crazy. I started my hunt in the legendary red light district of Prague. I approached some guys who wanted to visit a girls club. One has been quite drunk and was willing to show off. But then I left the spot for an even more exciting location. It seemed that in a nearby park a wedding was going on. Well, as you know me I would have been even trying to persuade the groom into gay 4 pay sex. But I didn‘t even meet him. Instead I met a cute guy waiting for his girlfriend who worked there as a waitress. His intention was to bring her back home at night. So he had time. And I had fun talking him into my crazy games.
When we started our homepage project we realized how it is possible to talk straight boys into gay sex. Step by step. A little money here, a small bonus there and you can soon put your dick into their virgin asses. But this time I wanted to try something new. I wanted to find a guy who would agree on having sex with me for 25.000 crowns – right on the spot. And to even make the game a little bit more demanding he had to also find another guy from the street willing to join us for the same amount. I was finally able to persuade a guy who really looked like a fashion model. He insisted that he would do it because he was bi-curious. I insist that it was the money ;-).
I was busy last week and Honza got a cold from his last fuck in a park. So it was the best time to give Martin, one of my oldest gay-friends, a chance to show his charm on the streets of Prague. He always bothered me that he wanted to do what we do. So here we go. I was surprised that he even finished the „job“ as he got almost beaten up when he tried to persuade a boy who already looked aggressive with just 1000 crowns. Well, he has to get a feeling first. But after a few success-less tries he finally found his first straight „money-boy“. And what a cutie. Long hair, beautiful eyes and a mouth that wanted to get kissed. Unfortunately a bit arrogant. But only until he felt Martin‘s dick in his virgin ass.