When other individuals talk about Czech youngsters they constantly consider the gold kids of Prague. This is really not quite reasonable. Considering that the added you go East - that's at the quite least my viewpoint - the a lot more stunning the kids are. Today I complied with a vibrant child from Ostrava. A sportive pupil of financial environment. He referred to Prague to visit a friend. And as his pal needs to operate daytime he made some type of a taking in the sights and tour trip. I saw him prior to a religion at Namesti Miru. He seemed to have discovered me before running around with my cam. So he was currently interested why I was doing so. I started to ask him some grownup concerns. He showed up rather open. Particularly for cash. Yet then he became a whole lot a lot more bashful as compared to I expected.
Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013
When other individuals talk about Czech youngsters they constantly consider the gold kids of Prague. This is really not quite reasonable. Considering that the added you go East - that's at the quite least my viewpoint - the a lot more stunning the kids are. Today I complied with a vibrant child from Ostrava. A sportive pupil of financial environment. He referred to Prague to visit a friend. And as his pal needs to operate daytime he made some type of a taking in the sights and tour trip. I saw him prior to a religion at Namesti Miru. He seemed to have discovered me before running around with my cam. So he was currently interested why I was doing so. I started to ask him some grownup concerns. He showed up rather open. Particularly for cash. Yet then he became a whole lot a lot more bashful as compared to I expected.
Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013
Shorts, shorts, shorts ... wherever I look - adorable individuals in shorts. I have to take care not to run around with a boner the entire day since the summertime lastly showed up. My plan for today was to find a charming jogger or bicyclist. However what I saw today didnâEUR�t really entice me. So I will keep that concept for later on. Yet when I checked out a bar I discovered one kid who had a truly adorable smile. When I approached him I enjoyed to listen to that he was currently eighteen. He undoubtedly could use the cash therefore he accepted reveal me his body and to provide me a blow-job in the playground. Just when I deep-throated him somebody interrupted us. Well, we transformed the place and I asked him for a fuck not understanding that someone would certainly view us.
There is this small square in the old town which I like so much. Especially since there is a regular small market which attracts a lot of young people, too. Of course I must take care who I approach as some minors look older than they are these days. Well, the square was rather empty today but when I walked down a small street I noticed a real cutie sitting and smoking at a market bench. I started to talk to him. He was quite open to me and stated that he was waiting for his girlfriend. Tough shit. Usually I would have said bye bye. In this case I decided to risk more and and offer him money for a blow-job. He was immediately interested but did‘t know what to tell his girlfriend. Well, guess who had a good idea.
Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013
Some people call me crazy. I think I am not but today however I wanted to try something really crazy. I started my hunt in the legendary red light district of Prague. I approached some guys who wanted to visit a girls club. One has been quite drunk and was willing to show off. But then I left the spot for an even more exciting location. It seemed that in a nearby park a wedding was going on. Well, as you know me I would have been even trying to persuade the groom into gay 4 pay sex. But I didn‘t even meet him. Instead I met a cute guy waiting for his girlfriend who worked there as a waitress. His intention was to bring her back home at night. So he had time. And I had fun talking him into my crazy games.
When we started our homepage project we realized how it is possible to talk straight boys into gay sex. Step by step. A little money here, a small bonus there and you can soon put your dick into their virgin asses. But this time I wanted to try something new. I wanted to find a guy who would agree on having sex with me for 25.000 crowns – right on the spot. And to even make the game a little bit more demanding he had to also find another guy from the street willing to join us for the same amount. I was finally able to persuade a guy who really looked like a fashion model. He insisted that he would do it because he was bi-curious. I insist that it was the money ;-).
I was busy last week and Honza got a cold from his last fuck in a park. So it was the best time to give Martin, one of my oldest gay-friends, a chance to show his charm on the streets of Prague. He always bothered me that he wanted to do what we do. So here we go. I was surprised that he even finished the „job“ as he got almost beaten up when he tried to persuade a boy who already looked aggressive with just 1000 crowns. Well, he has to get a feeling first. But after a few success-less tries he finally found his first straight „money-boy“. And what a cutie. Long hair, beautiful eyes and a mouth that wanted to get kissed. Unfortunately a bit arrogant. But only until he felt Martin‘s dick in his virgin ass.
Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013
I was busy last week and Honza got a cold from his last fuck in a park. So it was the best time to give Martin, one of my oldest gay-friends, a chance to show his charm on the streets of Prague. He always bothered me that he wanted to do what we do. So here we go. I was surprised that he even finished the „job“ as he got almost beaten up when he tried to persuade a boy who already looked aggressive with just 1000 crowns. Well, he has to get a feeling first. But after a few success-less tries he finally found his first straight „money-boy“. And what a cutie. Long hair, beautiful eyes and a mouth that wanted to get kissed. Unfortunately a bit arrogant. But only until he felt Martin‘s dick in his virgin ass.
I already woke up with a hard-on and decided to start my hunt early. The good thing is that especially in the morning there are so many cute boys around. The bad thing is that they are mostly in a hurry. The first boy I met was quite funny. Maybe not a top-model but very sexy for my taste. When I offered him money to show me his dick he immediately asked me wether I was gay and I would want to fuck him. Surprised by his openness I persuaded him with a huge amount right away. Well, what happened in my shower a few minutes later was less funny... Anyway. I am persistent. And when I met that little angel smoking his last cigarette in the park I was even happy that I didn‘t waste more time with the first boy.
Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013
What a cutie. Incredible. He remembered me someone from TV. But I still don't know who? Anyway – it doesn't matter. Normally I am not so much into guys with such very young looks. But when I saw him skiing I just decided to wait until he finishes. And then he came together with a friend. I wasn't sure anymore if it would be still the best idea to talk to them both. Well, obviously I still tried my luck. The second boy wasn't interested in my offers at all. But my main target – the boy with the base cap – was quite attracted by my dirty offers. He told me his soccer team came here for skiing and that they lived in a nearby pension. That would be really cool: to fuck him in his own room.
Freitag, 3. Mai 2013
Prague has a wonderful river-walk. All along the river Vltava you can sit, relax and enjoy the day. I wanted to go to the Zoo again but it was a bit rainy and it looked like a thunderstorm might start soon. So I started to interview some guys right at the river-walk. I was not so successful in the beginning but then I saw a boy sitting on a park bench and feeding some swans and ducks. He looked a bit depressive. Maybe some money would cheer him up? He agreed to sell me his undies for two thousand crowns. He was so much into money that I talked him into giving me a blow job. When I noticed his ass I asked him for more. Well, you must see his reaction. And the thunderstorm which surprised us.
I somehow adore Honza. I don't know how he is doing it but he again persuaded a boy to sell him his undies in the middle of the street. And even more: he talked a boy waiting for his train into having sex with him right on the train station. With a lot of people and even conductors around them. And he talks the boys into this bullshit paying even less money than me. Incredible. I am a little bit more shy always. But obviously it is his charm. Or the way he is talking to the boys. I don't know. Anyway. Enjoy one of the best movies we shot so far. And see this cute boy getting his straight, virgin ass pounded in three different positions. But the best is his shameful face after the sex. I love it so much.
Last winter I met a funny boy next to a tram stop. I was able to talk him into showing me his body. He even agreed to jerk off in front of me. But he wasn't ready to get fucked. I gave him my number but nothing ever happened. So I thought I could never use this video. But now – six months later– he called me and told me that he desperately needs money. So I arranged a meeting with him, Honza and me. I introduced both to each other and left them alone. Now as I have been cutting the video which Honza gave me I can see that they had a lot of fun. Obviously with some problems but still horny and nice. For your pleasure I also included the video which I made with that boy last winter. Enjoy!
Peter is one of my oldest friends. And as I have to stay at home with a persistent summer flu he agreed to again help me and hunt this week. He is gay and it is a hobby for him to persuade straight boys in bars and pubs. And he is quite successful. He found a real cute young man at the metro station. The world is sometimes not fair – he told me that it was his very first try. Well maybe it was just his new car which impressed the boy so much. Anyway. He obviously had his fun (with my money) and I all got was this boy's undies. At least something. But it was so much fun for me to watch this straight, tight ass being pounded. Although it was almost like being there myself I am still a bit jealous.
Some older members might still remember that we had to withdraw a very nice movie a couple of months ago. This was because of some legal problems. Although this website is of course blocked for the Czech Republic one boy found his movie on the web. So after weeks of negotiation he finally agreed to a financial compensation. And now we can use his movie again. I am especially happy because this was really a hard fight to persuade this boy and after all ex ordinary good sex. I know that the preview pics look a little bit mystic this time. So find out how it is and above all: Enjoy! .-)
I love my job because it's also my hobby. But today I was totally frustrated. I talked to five guys and all have been arrogant; one of them even aggressive. To give you an idea of how hard it is sometimes to find somebody I'll publish a rather negative interview in this weeks update, too. On the other hand - when I was almost about to give up for today - I finally found a nice young man who was really friendly and open minded. I used a plain language and clearly indicated my true intentions in the very beginning. He agreed to show me his cock. And even a blow-job in the nearby hotel was no real problem for him. When I asked him to strip naked for me I noticed his wonderful butt.
I just left the metro when I noticed a young boy. I stopped him at the exit and asked him for a short interview. He was in a hurry but when he heard something about money he was at least willing to listen. He realized very soon what all my talk was about. He said that he was not for sale. But still – as he was broke – he agreed to sell me his undies. Not bad for a start. A few minutes later I saw the next boy. He immediately asked me for my cam. Maybe he thought that I record for the TV. When I started to offer him money for some crazy tasks he was more than willing and agreed to show me his chest and butt. Then I offered him money to compare our dicks. So we went to the bushes and well... check it out.
I rented a nice apartment with a big balcony and a wonderful view over Prague. All I still needed was a boy willing to perform on it. About 500 meter from there was a sports hall. I was a little bit late and when I passed by the training already seemed to be over. Just two boys were still waiting and smoking in front of the building. One of them looked quite cute with his long hair. I asked him to do a short interview in front of my cam and he agreed. He was unemployed and needed every crown I offered him. He stripped right there and sold me his undies. Then we went to the legendary park where I was able to persuade him for a blow-job. How did the story continue? Well, did I mention the balcony yet?
After a few tries I realized that today wasn't the right day for the shopping center. I was successful there before but every day is different. On my way back home I saw a boy waiting for the bus. Jiri told me that he luck three times already approaching a waiting boy. This young man looked a little bit like an emo. Long dark hair and stylish clothes. Normally not really my type of guy. But he had a friendly smile and apparently a tiny, cute ass. It was hard to start a conversation. He was either too shy or afraid of my cam. And I spent 2.000 just to see his dick. When we went to the parking place he was more relaxed. But there were still a lot of people around. Nonetheless we went on... and on...
When the sun is shining it's nice to have a walk near the Moldova river. First of all it's beautiful. But even more because there are always hot boys hanging around. After a few minutes walk I saw a tall blond twink chilling at a boat rental. He was quite friendly when I started to ask him for a short interview. He was quite clever and he got my point very soon. Well, as I know that most boys in his age are desperate for some extra money I first asked him to sell me his undies. After that I offered him an even better deal. He wanted to know more but I insisted that we will continue our conversation on a short boat trip. Cause on a boat he can hardly run away. What can I say: he was shy but he had no chance.
I still remember when I was like 14 years old. My older brother often went with me to the lido in Holesovice, a public open-air pool. When I saw all the cute boys there just in their tight swimwear I realized that I was gay. Even today it is a special thrill for me to be in such a place. Today was such a day. I would have loved to approach one of the guys swimming but it would have been too public. So I switched on my cam and went to the connected meadow where people are playing and relaxing. I noticed a boy who appeared to leave this place soon. So I didn't hesitate to try my luck. For some reason I was very nervous. But he was willing to show me his cock amongst all people. A good start.
Boys in shorts wherever I go.I must take care to not run around with a hardon all day outside. And the boys seem to be more open and horny when the weather is nice. The first boy sold me his undies without any problem. If I would have asked him for more... Who knows? But I didn't have the feeling that he is gonna be the right one for today. I saw a much more handsome young man at the tram station. And his tram was supposed to come in nine minutes. So I had exactly nine minutes to persuade him. First I had to convince him to walk with me a few meters. There have been far too many people around. When he finally agreed he also sold me his undies. Easy. But this time I really wanted more.
After my latest success in the nearby park I tried my luck at the tram station in front of it. I approached two young guys and I was quite straight forward. Both boys have been polite – but they resisted my offers. Well, on a tram station people are usually in a hurry. So I decided to go back to the park. I spent a few hours there. But nothing. I was about to go back home as it started to get dark when I noticed a cutie playing with his mobile. I had to try it. He was not so friendly in the beginning. When I asked him to show me his cock he almost run away. But when I showed him my money this 18 year old beauty agreed to run a few meters with his pants down and his butt naked. And that was just the beginning.
Not even 500 meters away from my home is a wonderful park. It's a perfect place to find boys. In winter and now in summer even more. I noticed that it is a good idea to try to buy their undies. If they agree I at least have them already naked on my cam. And sometimes they are willing to go further. Today was my lucky day. Well, one boy insulted me when I approached him but the second one sold me his undies. He was so cute. What a pity that he didn't have time to show me more of his body. But finally I found my boy. Sitting on a park bank. He was so naive and shy. But he couldn't resist my offer. Yes, he was rather expensive. But 100% worth every crown I have spent.
Finally it´s summer here in Prague. The boys look so good in their shorts. A perfect time for hunting. First I stopped a quite cute guy on the street near my apartment. I offered him 500 for his undies. As he was very shy I had to increase my offer. For 3.000 he finally agreed and stripped in the middle of a crowd. But unfortunately he didn't want to do more. So I went on to a nearby gas station. A young guy was cleaning his car. He seemed to have been quite broke since he sold me his undies for only 1.000. He appeared to have a strong body. I was a bit nervous but I couldn't resist to go ahead. So I persuaded him to show me his dick in the carwash. And I made another indecent proposal.
Yesterday started not so well. I talked to about ten boys and all rejected my immoral offers. When I finally saw a young guy who admittedly looked a bit gay I got back my confidence. But he was really arrogant in the beginning. I offered him an enormous amount for just showing his chest on the street. And he still rejected. He was clever and afraid of my cam. Well, who wants to find himself online on a porn site? But as you know: I really can be persistent. Once I persuaded him to show me his undies and cock in my nearby rent apartment everything was easy. For 10.000 more he even agreed into a fuck. Believe me, I love to give a hard fuck to arrogant cunts.
Most drivers never stop for hitchhikers. I do stop for friendly young men. I already saw this boy while waiting at the nearby traffic lights. So I switch on my cam as I learned one thing: you never know. The boy was very happy when I promised him a lift. He was in his break and now he missed the bus back to his school. I talked to him and when he told me that it is a private school and that even with the help of his parents he could hardly afford it I couldn't resist to ask him for his opinion about the “fast money” porn. He told me that he is not sure if it was real. But that he understands the girls. Then I asked him if he could imagine doing something similar for good money. Well, because you never know.
One of my friends has a fitness studio with a small massage room. I´ve been always excited by the idea of persuading a boy during a massage. So I just decided to try it. I stopped a few guys on the street and offered them a free massage. I told them it is for a promo video for the recently opened studio. And I offered some money and a free massage. The third boy who I stopped accepted this deal. I don´t know if he realized what all this would be about. But when I asked him to undress he seemed to get a bit nervous. And I must admit that it´s true. There is definitely an explosive sexual tension during such a massage. I finally offered him money for some favors. And now guess what happened.
My friend Honza knows that I love to look for boys at the train station. He thinks I do it because it is easier. But that´s only half of the truth. On the other hand you find all kind of people there. And all kinds of people means all kinds of boys. Last time I saw a tall guy leaving the train. I stopped him but when he turned around I was a little bit afraid. He looked like a hooligan or a skinhead. So I was very careful starting my little interview. I asked for his opinion about porn. Actually he was very open minded. And for 1.000 crowns I was able to persuade him to show me his bare chest in the shower cabins of the main station. Yes, they have showers there. Just another reason why I like this place.
Do you know what is best about Theme parks? There are a lot of young guys. And I have a new hobby. I like to buy their underwear. Yes. And I already collected a lot. Maybe we should sell them here online? Anyway. Yesterday afternoon I went to the park. And it was not very crowded. When I saw a young lad gambling at one of those stupid cheating machines I didn't hesitate to approach him. I told him that I make a reportage about the park and that I need his opinion about a few attractions. It was really hard to persuade him to stop gambling. But it was rather easy to convince him to show me his cock and sell me his undies. He is doubtlessly my favorite boy so far. Guys, this movie is a real must!